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auth0-web-extension: Easy authentication in Web Extensions with Auth0

Friday 28 January 2022

Check out the library here!

Wanted to write this blog post to quickly explain the new library I've been working on for the past few weeks. I decided to create this library after struggling with getting authentication working in a Chrome extension I've been developing called Patchwork. With the recent changes made in MV3, most notably changing background pages into ephemeral service workers, storing tokens and re-authenticating has become a huge challenge. After running into this over the course of my own development, and hoping to avoid having to resort to less desirable methods of storing access tokens like chrome.storage.local[1], I decided to write this library. It's primarily aimed at extensions that heavily rely on content scripts, particularly those that need to run on every webpage. I'll first discuss how it works, and then go a bit deeper into some of the limitations and design decisions I made.

NOTE: This library is still in pre-release and not recommended for production use yet. That being said I would still love for anyone who's interested to play around with it and raise any issues you run into over on the issue tracker as I gear up for a production release soon.


  1. How it Works
  2. Design Considerations
  3. Caveats & Limitations
  4. Questions / Future Development
  5. Would love to hear from you!
  6. References

How it Works

Background Script              Content Script                       Content Script                                  Auth0 SSO
                               (https://wikipedia.org)              (https://joinpatchwork.com)

+---------------+              +---------------------+
|               |              |                     |
| 1. Init Auth  +------------->|  2. Create IFrame   +--------------------------+
|               |              |                     |                          |
+---------------+              +---------------------+                          |  Content scripts loads due to "all_frames" = true
              chrome.tabs.sendMessage                                           |
+---------------+                                                   +-----------+-------------+
|               |            chrome.runtime.sendMessage             |                         |
| 4. Build URL  |<--------------------------------------------------+ 3. Retrieve auth params  |
|               |                                                   |                         |
+-------+-------+                                                   +-------------------------+
        |                                                           +-------------------------+               +-------------------+
        |                                                           |                         |               |                   |
        +---------------------------------------------------------->+ 5. Create Auth0 IFrame  +-------------->+   Perform OAuth   |
                                                                    |                         |               |                   |
                                                                    +-------------------------+               +---------+---------+
+---------------+                                                   +-------------------------+                         |
|               |            chrome.runtime.sendMessage             |                         |                         |
| 7. Get token  +<--------------------------------------------------+ 6. Return code & state  +<------------------------+
|               |                                                   |                         |     window.postMessage
+-------+-------+                                                   +-------------------------+
        |                                  /oauth/token with code and code_verifier
+---------------+                                                                                                       |
|               |                                                                                                       |
|  8. Finish    +<------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|               |

i. Flow diagram for the handshake

Above is the hopefully somewhat helpful flow diagram when calling getTokenSilently. I'll go through and explain each of the steps in detail, and afterwards go on to explain exactly why I've settled on this flow as well as some of the limitations.

  1. This whole process begins in the background script, since this is eventually where we want to make our authenticated request from. This could begin with a message from a content script asking for a specific piece of data or otherwise, but the first step of this process is connecting to the content script running in the current tab using chrome.runtime.connect. This establishes a long term connection that we will use to pass messages back and forth throughout the handshake.
  2. One requirement of this library is that a small bit of code needs to be added to each content script which listens for messages from the backend and performs all the actions where a window and a DOM are needed (like inserting IFrames). When the background script first connects, the content script immediately creates a hidden IFrame using the redirect_uri as she 'src' and inserts it into the DOM. In this example I've set the redirect_uri as www.joinpatchwork.com, and the only thing to keep in mind is that this URL should be the domain or subdomain of wherever the user is logged in.
  3. After creating the IFrame, the next step is somewhat strange but I think actually quite clever. Instead of trying to communicate with this newly created IFrame, we wait for a new instance of our content script to be injected into it. One of the requirements for this library to run is that our content script must have the "all_frames" attribute set to "true" in the manifest, meaning it will be injected in all frames on a page, not just the top level. Upon being injected into this new IFrame, we create a separate connection to our background script using chrome.runtime.connect in order to retrieve our /authorize url.
  4. Our background script builds the /authorize url using our client_id, redirect_uri, etc. in exactly the same way as the normal auth0-spa-js library. This is then passed back to our content script over the same port connection we established in the last step.
  5. Now that we have all the pieces in place, the process almost exactly mirrors what auth0-spa-js does when getting an access token silently using _getTokenFromIFrame. In fact the code that we run in our content script to create the /authorize IFrame is basically identical.
  6. If the user has a current session, we will receive a message from the /authorize IFrame with our code and state, which we then send back to our background script.
  7. We can then finally exchange our code, state, and code_verifier for an access token by calling /oauth/token in the exact same way as in auth0-spa-js.
  8. We're done! Our access token can then be used however we'd like, and will persist for the life of the service worker.

Design Considerations #

Starting from the background script

One of my most fundamental design considerations when creating this library was that tokens needed to be kept entirely within the background script. This stems from the fact that the separation between content scripts and the page running them isn't super strong, and while normally they do run in separate execution contexts, there is also a good chance that they will be running in the same process. Background scripts on the other hand not only run in their own execution contexts, but also run in separate processes[2], acting as a much stronger barrier. One concern that I still had was that even though our access token is only ever available in the background script, there is a lot of messaging back and forth with content scripts beforehand, and it's a content script that creates the /authorize IFrame and receives the code from Auth0. We know that the /authorize IFrame will be created on a webpage which we control (specifically our redirect_uri), but it still would be nice to have an extra layer of assurance that no one is able to intercept our code and then hijack our token. This problem actually almost solves itself as a result of the oauth flow that Auth0 uses called PKCE (read about it here[3]). Basically, even if our code is somehow intercepted, an attacker will still be unable to exchange this for an access token. This is because using PKCE, we must include a separate code_verifier in our call to /oauth/token, which is sha256 hashed and included in our /authorize URL to prove that whoever made the call to /oauth/token is the same one who first created the /authorize URL. Since the unhashed code_verifier never leaves the background script, we get an extra assurance that only our background script will be able to make the final call to /oauth/token to get our access token.

IFrame within an IFrame

This is probably the strangest part of the entire flow. We create a hidden IFrame on whatever webpage the user is viewing, and then immediately create a second hidden IFrame within that IFrame. Why can't we just create the /authorize IFrame directly on the page instead of going through all this trouble? The answer has to do with redirect URLs. If we were to create our IFrame on whatever page the user is currently browsing (let's say Wikipedia), our request to Auth0 is going to originate from https://wikipedia.org and show us trying to use https://wikipedia.org as our redirect_uri, which it will complain isn't in our list of allowed redirects. I believe that Auth0 also sets the X-Frame-Options header to only allow embedding of the /authorize url on domains that are set as redirect URLs in order to prevent clickjacking attacks. We definitely don't want to add redirect URLs that we don't control as this would mean those pages could perform login requests on our behalf, and so our only choice is to somehow create this /authorize IFrame from one of our redirect URLs. So immediately my thought was, if Auth0 can create a hidden IFrame for their domain, what if we did the same for ours, and this is where the idea for the IFrame within an IFrame comes from. This also gives the added benefit of allowing us to share the users login state with the extension automatically, e.g. if a user is signed in on https://joinpatchwork.com and we use that as our redirect_uri, this login state will immediately be shared with the extension, allowing users to sign in outside of the extension and have their session shared automatically.

No external messaging

This design consideration was something I wasn't actually sure was possible for quite some time until I remembered the "all_frames" option. Basically, my goal was to avoid the use of onMessageExternal if possible, as this would remove the need to set the "externally_connectable" option in the manifest, and also would make it more difficult for an attacker to craft a malicious message as they would first need to somehow gain access to the content script execution context. The trickiest step in this process is just after we have created the first IFrame, as immediately the question is how will we get our code parameter back to our background script once we receive it from Auth0? After toying around a bunch, the answer I came up with was to use the "all_frames" option to have our content script injected into this newly created IFrame. This also removes the need for the user of this library to add any extra code to their redirect uri webpage; all they need to do is add an extra line to their content script and make sure it gets injected on their redirect uri.

Caveats & Limitations #

When doesn't this work

The biggest limitation of the library right now is in order to retrieve an auth token in the background script, there must be at least one content script currently running. Despite this, I've found this approach to be more than capable of supporting the typical paradigms for extensions. Any extensions that add in some type of markup to a page and need to perform authenticated requests when a user interacts with this markup (e.g. Grammarly, Honey, many others) are easily supported. These extensions might send a message to the background script asking for some piece of data (e.g. asking to check a paragraph for errors in the Grammarly example), after which the background script would call getTokenSilently, perform the handshake (i), use the token to query an API, and then return the results back to the content script in a message. This paradigm is by far the most common for web extensions, and following some of the unfortunate changes in MV3, is one of the only paradigms that feels somewhat well supported. At the extreme end of this are extensions that need to run on every webpage, as is the case for the one I'm building. and this is where I think this library really shines. Since we already need to have a content script on every webpage, this effectively means that we can retrieve an access token in the background at any time, opening the possibility of doing more async actions in the background script.

To sum it up, this library won't work well for extensions that do a lot of background work that isn't prompted by a content script and who don't want to request hefty permissions like "Can access all your data on all your sites". However, if you are building something which relies heavily on content scripts making authenticated requests only when a user is on a certain page or if your extension has content scripts on every page, then definitely try this library out.

Content Script                   Background Script                Your API
+------------------+             +------------------+             +-----------------+
|                  +------------>+                  +------------>+                 |
|   User Action    |             | getTokenSilently |             |      Data       |
|                  +<------------+                  +<------------+                 |
+------------------+             +------------------+             +-----------------+

ii. Flow where I think this works best

Performance & Persistence

This is something that in all honesty I expected to be worse. I've done a bit of timing on my laptop, and it seems that on average the first full handshake as shown in (i) takes just over 1sec. This isn't exactly great, but the nice thing is that on subsequent calls to getTokenSilently, we can pull from the in-memory cache meaning that it consistently takes less than 1ms to get a token. The one caveat here is that since we use an in-memory cache, this only persists for the life of the service worker (which unfortunately in MV3 on Chrome looks like is capped at ~5min). This means that if a request is made after the service worker has gone back to sleep it will need to perform the whole handshake again with the ~1sec delay. This is something I'm actively looking into improving (see questions), but for now it is more than good enough.

Questions / Future Development #

  • Is it safe to store refresh tokens in chrome.storage.local? Right now we only support in-memory caching and don't support refresh tokens, but if we were able to cache refresh tokens in local storage while using RTR that would allow us to consistently re-authenticated across service worker shut-downs. This could potentially open a ton of new use cases so I'm actively looking into this but my gut feeling is that this isn't a good idea.
  • Actively working to improve the reliability of the handshake as well as adding more checks/timeouts to make sure clean-up is reliable as well. This is probably the biggest facet keeping this library from being production ready so I'm focusing a lot on this.

Would love to hear from you! #

A lot of the motivation for this project came from my struggles building Patchwork, which is a Chrome Extension that adds instant messaging/sharing to any webpage (check it out if you get the chance). I stumbled across countless dead-end forum posts and so my hope is that this library will be able to help people who are in that same position I was in. If you have any comments/questions or run into any issues with the library, please raise an issue over at pjhul/auth0-web-extension and I'm more than happy to chat/help out!

References #

  1. [1] https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/storage/#usage
  2. [2] https://developers.google.com/web/ilt/pwa/introduction-to-service-worker
  3. [3] https://auth0.com/docs/get-started/authentication-and-authorization-flow/authorization-code-flow-with-proof-key-for-code-exchange-pkce